The best way to recieve large numbers of customers is through online promotion. You obtain worldwide publicity with unlimited access for your firm, services or products you're selling. The internet is the number one information and shopping resource for most individuals. When you need to launch your website, you simply need a domain name and a n internet website hosting. And then your exposure is unlimited.
A domain name is the internet address your users will come to when they click to go to your site. These can be bought through a domain name registrar, or through your hosting provider, more often than not for around ten dollars per year. In terms of start-up costs and PR costs, this is great value for money, considering the numbers of individuals you will have access to.
Once you have your domain name sorted you need to acquire a web hosting service, or sometimes called internet website hosting. This service, often renewed on an annual or monthly basis, will store your web pages,images,plugins etc for you. Most hosting companies provide domain registration services so you can get a domain name through them. They usually also provide Email services and other functions.
Most hosting companies such as Hostgator provide different setups to meet every individuals needs. They usually are broken down in to 4 types of packages.
Starter Packages
A company like Hostgator has different start up packages for the different level of users. These include hatchling plans $4.95 month, a Baby plan $7.95 month and a Business plan starting at $12,95 a month.
Reseller Hosting
These plans start at $24.95 per month and is for more serious users, especially people that want to sell there websites
VPS Hosting
These are virtual private servers that you can hire from your hosting provider. These packages start from $19.95 a month.
Dedicated servers
These are powerful dedicated servers that you can use that no one else has access to. aimed at the more experienced users, these packages start from $174 a month.
All the different hosting companies have these packages, so you can shop around, but I have used Hostgator for a few years now, and I highly rate them.
Ive never had any issues, and there support is second to none.
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